Privacy Policy

Under’ article 6 of the Law n°2004-575 of June 21, 2004 for Confidence in the’Numerical Economy (LCEN), it is specified that our website is published by LA CHATELLERAIE.


In the context of the use of its services and in particular of the services accessible on its website, its mobile site, LA CHATELLERAIE, as data controller, and, may collect and process personal data about you.

We are committed to respecting the rules for protecting the privacy of prospects and visitors to our sites: website, mobile site, online store and mobile applications. All personal data processing implemented within the framework of accessible services complies with the local regulations applicable to the protection of personal data and in particular the provisions of the law « IT and Freedoms » of January 6, 1978 as amended and the General Data Protection Regulations ( EU Regulation 2016/679 ) or « RGPD ».

1 – What are our commitments in terms of protection of personal data ?

LA CHÂTELLERAIE undertakes to guarantee a high level of protection of the personal data of its customers, prospects, users of its sites: website, mobile site and any other person whose personal data it processes.

We are committed to respecting the regulations applicable to all the processing of personal data that it implements :

  • Your personal data is processed lawfully, fairly and transparently;
  • They are collected for specific, explicit and legitimate purposes, and are not further processed in a manner incompatible with these purposes;
  • They are kept in an adequate, relevant manner and are limited to what is necessary with regard to the purposes for which they are processed;
  • They are accurate, kept up to date and all reasonable measures are taken to ensure that inaccurate data, having regard to the purposes for which they are processed, are deleted or rectified without delay.

LA CHATELLERAIE implements the appropriate technical and organizational measures to guarantee a level of security adapted to the inherent risk of its processing operations, including, comply with regulatory requirements and protect the rights and data of data subjects when designing processing operations.

Furthermore, LA CHATELLERAIE contractually imposes the same level of protection of personal data on its subcontractors (providers, suppliers, etc).

2 – What personal data do we collect ?

a – Depending on the purpose of collection

The personal data we collect varies depending on the purpose of the collection and the Service we provide to you.

Generally, we may collect the following categories of personal data directly from you :

a) personal contact details, such as your name, first name, e-mail address, postal address and telephone number(s);

b) the identifiers used to access your online account, namely the user name and password. This is necessary for us to create an account of’personal use;

c) exchanges with us, which may include details of conversations through chat, customer service;

d) demographic information, such as your age, gender and lifestyle preferences (including your favourite products and your interest in them);

e) browsing histories, such as the pages visited, the date of the visit, the location during the visit, or the’ IP address;

f) payment information when’a purchase or reservation is made on’one of our sites, online shops, or’one of our applications. Generally the invoice is edited to your name, billing address and payment data such as your credit card or bank account;

We can also collect personal data concerning you indirectly when you share content on social networks, websites, shops or applications relating to our products and services, or responding to our post and promotional announcements on social networks.

b – Personal data concerning minors

LA CHÂTELLERAIE does not collect or process personal data relating to children under the age of 18 without the prior agreement of the parents or holders of parental responsibility for the child.

If personal data concerning children is collected via our websites: website, mobile site, online shop and mobile applications, parents or holders of the exercise of parental authority have the possibility of opposing it by contacting us at the address indicated at the bottom of this page.

3 – How are personal data collected ?

a – Means of collecting your data

In the context of our relations, you may communicate your personal data to us by various means and in particular on our sites: website, mobile site, etc, online store and mobile applications during your internet browsing, shopping, booking, filling in the various collection forms, during a subscription to the e-newsletter, when creating an account, when you apply, when you post comments on our social media pages, etc, when you establish any contact with our establishment or when you transmit your personal data to us in any other way.

b – Address ip

The’ IP address is a series of numbers that is automatically assigned to your computer by your’ internet access provider at each connection. At each of your requests on the site, our servers record the trace of your passage. We collect IP addresses for the purpose of’analyzing trends on the site. We do not transmit any information that identifies you, which means that your session will be recorded, but will remain anonymous to us. We may use your IP address in cooperation with your internet access provider’ to identify you in the event that we should apply the’s terms of use to protect our services, customers or in compliance with applicable laws.

c – Cookies

In order to constantly improve the quality of the services offered on our sites: website, mobile site, online store and mobile application and their adequacy with your expectations, we, LA CHATELLERAIE is likely to use « cookies », text files used to identify your device when you connect to’ one of our services. The deposit of cookies or tracers in your terminal (computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.) allows LA CHATELLERAIE to collect information and personal data, including, according to your choice of setting of your terminal.

Types of cookies used :

a) Cookies essential to the’use of the site. They allow you to’use the main features of the site, such as the’achat or the reservation of services for example. By disabling the’ use of cookies, you will no longer be able to benefit from these features. The information stored may not be used for commercial purposes.

b) Site performance cookies. Performance cookies allow us to’ optimize our website and detect any technical problems you may encounter. They allow us to collect information about how you use the site, including the number of visits per page, the number of’ error messages displayed, etc, the time spent on a page, or the number of clicks on an area of the site. The information stored may not be used for commercial purposes.

c) Cookies of functionalities. These cookies allow the site to remember the choices you have made (such as your username,’, the chosen language or region where you are located) and provide more accurate and personal characteristics. These cookies can also be used to remember changes made by the user’, such as text size or font. They can also be used to provide services you have requested, such as watching a video or leaving a comment on a blog. The information collected by these cookies can be made anonymous and cannot track your browsing activity on’ other sites. By using our website, you agree to receive this type of cookies on your device.

d) Advertising marketing cookies. These cookies collect information about your Internet browsing habits in order to offer you advertisements that are tailored to you and correspond to your interests. They also limit the number of times you see an advertisement and help us evaluate the effectiveness of our advertising campaigns. They are generally installed by advertising networks with the authorisation of the’operator of the website. They memorize the visits made to a site and share this information with other companies (advertisers for example). Targeted or advertising cookies are often linked to the site features provided by the’partner company.The information is collected and shared with third parties to offer’audience targeting and’optimization solutions for advertisers and publishers. No personal data’ is collected and an individual cannot be identified via the collected data.

e) Cookies from third party websites and social networks Our website contains links and/or content referring to’ other websites and social networks, including, and we do not know which cookies are used by them. For more information, please consult the information provided by these third-party sites and social networks on their own cookies.

d – Respect for your privacy

We are committed to the protection of your privacy and respect the following 2 principles.

– We do not’associate with your cookies any information that can identify you directly and personally. Cookies do not allow us to know your address, date of birth, telephone number or any other information that can identify you.

– We do not provide any personal information to advertisers or third party sites that display our ads based on your interests.

If your computer or mobile is used by several people, or if has several navigation software, it is possible that the contents displayed to other users correspond to your preferences. If you wish, you can change your browser settings.

For more information on how cookies and targeted advertising work, you can visit the Cnil website :

e – Links to third party sites

Our websites: website, mobile site, online store and mobile applications may contain links to third-party websites.

We accept no responsibility for the collection, use, management, sharing or disclosure of data and’information by these third parties.

The communication of’information on third-party sites is governed by the privacy policy and terms of use of these sites. We recommend that you read the privacy policies of these websites before submitting any personal information.

4 – What is the use of data that may be collected’ ?

Your data is mainly used for booking and’achat (supply of services, specific services and products), prospecting, loyalty, animation, commercial information, satisfaction surveys, etc, organization of competitions, new services and products to improve your customer experience within our establishment, statistical studies, recruitment, after-sales service, processing of your requests and/or complaints. In addition to the cases where your consent has been collected (in particular to provide you with personalised offers), the processing of your data for the various purposes mentioned above is necessary in particular :

  • To ensure the execution of the service contract; 
  • To comply with a legal obligation; 
  • For the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by our establishment (including developing new services and offers, improving customer service...).

In particular, your data is used :

  • To allow you to benefit from the’ set of services or services available on the website of our establishment, its mobile site, its shop and its mobile applications : creation of a user account, e-newsletter, booking management, support and complaints, loyalty program management, etc; 
  • To allow you to browse our websites; 
  • To best match our information, notifications, offers and other forms of services to your interests;
  • To facilitate the completion of the administrative formalities relating to the reservation and the’achat.

5 – How long is your data kept ?

LA CHATELLERAIE undertakes to store your personal data for a period not exceeding that necessary for the purposes for which they are processed.

The storage periods are defined according to the processing purposes implemented by LA CHATELLERAIE and take into account in particular the applicable legal provisions imposing a precise storage period for certain categories data, any applicable limitation periods and recommendations of the CNIL concerning certain categories of data processing.

6 – Who is likely to’access your personal data ?

a – Recipients of your data

The data collected on our website, mobile site, online store and mobile applications, may be communicated to our internal staff, or its related service providers (subcontractors, processors, etc, service providers, banks), in the context of the’fulfillment of all or part of the services referred to above. We remind you that in this context, LA CHATELLERAIE asks its service providers to put in place strict measures of confidentiality and protection of this data.

b – Data transfers outside the European Union

Personal data may be processed outside the’European Economic Area (EEA). If this is the case, LA CHATELLERAIE will make every effort to ensure that this international data transfer has an adequate level and guarantees of security.

7 – How to exercise your rights ?

In accordance with the applicable regulations on the protection of personal data, you can, at any time, exercise your rights of’access, rectification, etc, deletion of data concerning you and your rights of limitation and’ opposition to the processing and portability of your personal data.

In addition, you have the legal right to define guidelines on the fate of your personal data post mortem.

Moreover, any minor at the time of collection of his personal data can obtain the’erasure as soon as possible.

These rights are exercised by mail to the following address :
Château de la Devèze,
15600 Saint-Étienne-de-Maurs

In this context, we kindly ask you to accompany your request with the elements necessary for your identification (surname, first name, etc, e-mail) as well as any other information necessary to confirm your identity. You also have a right of appeal to the National Commission of the’Informatics and Freedoms in case of violation of the applicable regulations on the protection of Personal Data and in particular the GDPR.

8 – Reporting / Transactions

Ensuring the security and confidentiality of the personal data you entrust to us is a priority for LA CHATELLERAIE . We thus implement all the technical and organizational measures that are useful, in terms of nature, to, the scope and context of the personal data that you provide to us and the risks presented by their processing, to preserve the security of your personal data and, in particular, to prevent any destruction, destruction or, loss, alteration, disclosure, intrusion or unauthorized access to such data, in an accidental or unlawful manner.

We offer you a secure online payment system thanks to the latest technologies in force.

LA CHÂTELLERAIE strives to combat identity theft practices on the internet. This is the reason why we use, for example, a device for detecting fraudulent payments made by bank card. This device is intended to protect you in the event of loss or theft of your bank card.

The security and confidentiality of personal data is based on the best practices of each individual. This’ is the reason why we invite you not to communicate your passwords to third parties, to systematically log out of your profile and social account (in particular in the case of linked accounts) and to close the window of your browser at the end of your working session, especially if you access the internet from a computer shared with other people from’. This will prevent other users from accessing your personal information.

9 – Contact us

For any further questions relating to this policy or the way in which LA CHATELLERAIE processes your personal data, we invite you to contact us at the following address :

10 – Changes to the declaration

LA CHATELLERAIE reserves the right to’ to adapt the policy of protection of personal data. When we make substantial changes to this Statement, we post a link to the Statement on the’ homepage of our site.

11 - Opposition to cold calling

The’user has the possibility to register on the list of’opposition to telephone canvassing by calling to +33 4 71 49 09 09

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